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24 Most popular programming languages for 2017.


24 Most popular programming languages for 2017

Table of Contents

The year 2017 has started its journey. Market needs skilled programmers and coding jobs have become the mainstream. If you are a newbie to the programming world you need to carry out the research and choose the best one out of the many programming languages available. Here, this article can give you a basic idea of the most popular programming languages that one needs to study in 2017!

Java: Java is one of the fastest-growing feature rich programming language used to write Android apps. It is a general-purpose enterprise standard which is heavily utilized for server-side web development.

Python: Python is widely used high-level, object-oriented programming language and can be used for creating web apps, games, and even search engine!

PHP: PHP refers to an open source general purpose scripting language, and a powerful tool for making dynamic and interactive web pages.

C#: C# is a Windows- centric, modern, general-purpose programming language which encompasses strong typing, imperative, declarative, functional, and generic programming disciplines.

C++: C++ has object-oriented, imperative, and generic programming features, making it a general purpose and high performance language.

C: It’s an imperative, fast, portable, general-purpose programming language, supporting structured programming. It can also be used to write operating systems, embedded software, device drivers, base libraries etc.

JavaScript: A full-fledged dynamic and native programming language of the web browser which can provide interactivity on websites when applied to an HTML document.

Perl: A programming language which runs on a variety of platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS, and the various versions of UNIX. specially designed for text processing and was once very popular.

Ruby: This is a general-purpose, dynamic, programming language which focuses on productivity and simplicity. It is a server-side web application framework.

Objective -C: Objective-C is the primary programming language you use when writing software for OS X and iOS.  It is the superset of C programming language which provides object oriented capabilities.

Swift: A general-purpose, multi-paradigm, compiled programming language. It’s an open source anointed successor of objective C.

Go: Go is a free and open source programming language helping you to design fast, reliable and simple software. It’s a modern replacement for C which aims for targeting concurrency problems intended to be the major language.

Scala: Scala is an object-oriented, general purpose language using a curly brace syntax competing with Java and works well with the Play framework.

D: It’s an object-oriented, imperative, multi-paradigm system programming language with static typing and C-like syntax combining efficiency and modeling power with safety. It is developed by re-engineering C++.

Haskell: It is a general-purpose, standardized, purely functional programming language, with non-strict semantics and strong static typing.

Clojure: It is a dynamic, general-purpose programming language, combining the approachability and interactive development of a scripting language.

Elixir: Elixir is a concurrent, functional, general-purpose programming language used for the web development and for building embedded systems.

Julia: A high level dynamic programming language designed to address the needs of high performance computational science and numerical analysis.

Kotlin: It is Statically typed programming language which runs on the Java Virtual Machine and compiled to JavaScript source code. In general, its potentially a much-improved Java replacement.

Rust: A programming language which runs fast and competes with C++ for safe and reliable computing.

Smalltalk : Smalltalk is an object oriented simple, elegant, dynamically typed, reflective programming language. It is the father of modern OOP.

Scheme/Elisp:  A functional programming language statically scoped and properly tail-recursive dialect of the Lisp programming language which makes GNU extensions easy.

Fortran: It’s a general-purpose, imperative programming language especially suited for numeric and scientific computing. It’s the father of scientific number crunching used for simulations and modelling.

Cobol: Cobol is a compiled English-like computer programming language designed for business use.

Which of these programming languages suits your need? Let me know your views and comments.