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Lightwoods Park and House.


Design, Development and Maintenance of a public park website owned and managed by Sandwell Council, UK.

An Overview

The Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council (SMBC), a local governing body in the West Midlands, UK, manages public spaces like Lightwoods Park to improve residents’ lives by offering community events and recreation. Among its treasured assets is Lightwoods Park, nestled in the heart of Bearwood on the outskirts of Birmingham, with Lightwoods House, an elegant Grade II listed building, at its centre. Recognising the value of online engagement, the council required a website for Lightwoods Park. This website aims to make the park more accessible, improve communication and promote a stronger connection with the community.

Light wood parks Thumbnail

Some primary website project objectives set by the Sandwell Council were:

  • Increase awareness and visits to Lightwoods Park and House by running online campaigns and integrating marketing materials, tracking success through revenue growth, visitor numbers and digital channel traffic.
  • Establish a distinct brand identity for Lightwoods Park and House within the Visit Sandwell umbrella, aiming for increased site traffic and customer engagement, especially between Lightwoods Park and House and Visit Sandwell platforms.
  • Promote Lightwoods Park and House’s wedding and event hire services online, focusing on value-driven packages, attractive venues and other offerings. Measure success through increased bookings, website traffic, positive feedback from enquiry forms and social media engagement.

Sandwell MBC aims to promote Lightwoods Park and House as a multifaceted destination encompassing a park, a heritage house museum, and a venue available for weddings and events. Further, they would like to add and promote wedding venue hire services within the venue, and the wedding venue hire website included within the website remit. Lightwoods Park and House will stand as its own brand but under the framework of the Visit Sandwell brand.

On 27 March 2024, the Lightwoods Park and House website went live within clear milestones and under the budget.

A Bespoke Approach to craft an aesthetically pleasing website

Rethinking website design focuses on user needs by enhancing information architecture and organisation. It involved improving site navigation and wayfinding to help citizens and visitors find content more efficiently. Sweans used initial user research to establish a clear information architecture.

To build an effective website, we considered the following aspects:

  • Curate crystal-clear content summarising Lightwoods Park and House’s services, events, activities and merchandise offerings to attract visitors instantly.
  • Integrate clickable phone numbers for streamlined communication and efficient tracking of user interaction.
  • Employ background images, videos, or slider carousels to captivate visitors and showcase the beauty and allure of Lightwoods Park and House.
  • Provide key business details such as phone numbers, email addresses, physical location and active social media channels.
  • Craft clear and eye-catching copy with compelling calls to action, directing users towards desired actions, notably clicking the ‘Book Now’ button.
  • Implementing internal links to navigate users across key pages while ensuring quality content offering in-depth insights into events, activities, and services, accompanied by engaging call-to-action buttons.
  • Integrating interactive features like customer enquiry buttons leads to enquiry forms, fostering user engagement and facilitating seamless communication.
  • Include social media buttons in the footer of every page for easy access to social channels and maintain clear navigation buttons for seamless exploration of internal pages.
  • Address accessibility considerations to ensure inclusivity and ease of access for all visitors.
  • Facilitating automatic sitemap creation and submission to popular webmaster tools for efficient indexing and improved search engine crawlability.
  • Implementing a user-friendly URL structure featuring short, concise URLs devoid of query strings and numbers for enhanced readability and SEO effectiveness.
  • Integrate Google Universal and GA4 tracking codes across Lightwoods Park and House’s website and associated platforms to comprehensively track user traffic, behaviour, and engagement, thus facilitating informed decision-making and digital marketing efforts.

The UX research laid the groundwork for crafting wireframes of static global elements such as the website header, footer and other pages. These wireframes provided SMBC with a structure for establishing an intuitive content hierarchy and delivering a systematic user experience, which directed the development of future page layouts.

UX Design

The redesign of the Lightwoods Park and House website commenced with a collaborative and thorough content inventory, user experience audit, and strategic planning of information architecture.

  • We organised the website’s navigation structure into a clean, simple menu.
  • The new Lightwoods Park and House website, aligned with the Sandwell brand, showcases a stunning visual design, all powered by WordPress.
  • The revamped Lightwoods Park and House website speeds up accessing valuable information and enhances community access to venue hire services.

Sweans began the design effort by conducting user testing using HotJar heat mapping software to track anonymised user behaviour and metrics on the Lightwoods Park and House website. They observed mouse movements and interactions as real visitors attempted tasks, asking basic questions such as:

  • “What brought you here?”
  • “Did you find the content you needed?”

The findings from this testing shaped the direction of the new website, introducing a task-based approach to content strategy, information architecture and design.

Sweans then mapped step-by-step customer journeys for all major tasks on the Lightwoods Park and House site, considering visitor priorities, interactions, ease of completion and how/where tasks are completed.

User testing continued throughout the project. As the content strategy progressed and Sweans’s designers developed concepts, they tested the site map for comprehension and understanding. They also tested in-progress site designs to ensure that iterations were based on real-time user feedback rather than personal preferences or assumptions.

With our design direction and wireframes, Sweans front- and back-end engineering brought to life the new Lightwoods Park and House, a striking embodiment of the brand, powered by the WordPress content management system (CMS).

Collaborative Efforts in Web Design and Engineering

Our UI/UX designers worked diligently to give a new look and feel to a web design language. Sweans engineers collaborated closely, providing technical insights to ensure an optimal responsive web experience while staying true to the designers’ vision and effectively managing the budget. Throughout the wireframe process, both teams partnered with SMBC to align the design with their vision of a platform catering to the community. We empowered Lightwoods Park and House with a completely new content management system and experience by using the flexibility and scalability of WordPress infrastructure, enhanced through the power of Elementor WordPress Customizer.

Sweans Designers gather data by conducting conversion funnel analysis, A/B testing, heat mapping, and user testing through screen recording and surveys to understand website usage patterns better, identify friction points, and pinpoint task abandonment. Sweans then interprets the data analytics and provides client executives with insightful analysis to guide decisions to enhance user experience and boost conversion rates.


The engineering team at Sweans is actively integrating accessibility and usability to enhance ease of use for all users. We define accessibility as the elimination of barriers to ensure equal access to information, particularly for neurodivergent individuals. Usability encompasses making websites intuitive for everyone, ensuring a seamless experience from the first interaction and encouraging repeat usage. An analogy would be knowing whether to push or pull a door to open it.

We have begun prioritising people at the heart of the process, shifting away from the previous focus on processes, data evolution, key metrics, and results. This mindset previously overlooked a significant portion of the population, resulting in diminished access for users to all websites, from eCommerce to government sites, search engines, and educational platforms.

In our continuous mission to ensure sites are perceivable and error-free, we prioritise Accessibility & Usability in the initial design-development process, rather than approaching it haphazardly as most industries do. As front-end developers, we deeply understand how people use their devices to seek information or online services. We reverse the traditional site creation process at Sweans by closely listening to our users and accessibility consultants, allowing their insights to guide our work rather than designing first and asking questions second.

Ensuring solid development and design practices doubly applies to accessibility and usability:

  • Provide basic to advanced accessibility training for all technical teams, including front-end, back-end and designers.
  • Attend accessibility conferences annually to stay updated on the latest advancements and broaden your knowledge base.
  • Conduct surveys and tests with ‘actual’ users, specifically those who learn and think differently.

The Lightwoods Park & House website partially meets the WCAG 2.2 level AA standard, but it has some areas of non-compliance and exemptions:

  • Prerecorded video content lacks audio descriptions as per WCAG 1.2.5 Level AA.
  • Sign language interpretation isn’t provided for all prerecorded audio content in synchronised media, violating WCAG 1.2.6 Level AAA.
  • Certain links don’t convey their purpose through text alone, contravening WCAG 2.4.9 Level AAA.
  • Context-sensitive help isn’t available for maps displayed on the website, breaching WCAG 3.3.5 Level AAA.
  • Some text and images of text don’t maintain a contrast ratio of at least 7:1, failing to meet WCAG 1.4.6 Level AAA.
  • Information about the user’s location within a set of Web pages isn’t provided for certain inner pages, going against WCAG 2.4.8 Level AAA.

Search Engine Optimisation

Sweans initiated the Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) efforts for Lightwoods Park and House by conducting a comprehensive SEO audit and performing keyword research. The audit quantified the performance of the existing site, identified optimisation challenges and opportunities for improvement, and outlined a roadmap for Sweans’s SEO team.

To address the issue of duplicate content, Sweans catalogued all affected content on the Lightwoods Park and House website and collaborated with Lightwoods Park and House to gain authorisation for content consolidation where necessary. For content that needed to remain duplicated, canonical tags were added to instruct search engines on which pages to rank and which to ignore.

Regarding metadata management, Sweans’s SEO team manually crafted unique title and meta description tags for all new pages on the Lightwoods Park and House website in collaboration with Sweans’s content strategists. They ensured brand consistency in naming conventions, aligned title tags with Google searches, and utilised keyword research to incorporate actionable verbiage.

Sweans rectified temporary redirects that caused Google’s crawlers to continually revisit old links instead of crawling and indexing newer priority content. They also eliminated redirect chains that adversely affected page load speeds and prevented the passing of SEO equity from old pages to new ones.


Sweans engineers actively engaged in weekly meetings with Sandwell council teams, addressing queries and providing education and training on infrastructure best practices, platform setup, maintenance, and WordPress engineering. The ongoing engineering training and support empowered Sandwell’s team to take ownership of and responsibility for the new WordPress platform and to eliminate dependency on a single vendor.

Additionally, Sweans supplied training materials and comprehensive digital guides to assist the council in training staff, maintaining design consistency, working within WordPress, and managing the platform:

  • A Design Style Guide was provided to outline visual design specifications that any Sandwell team member can utilise to ensure consistency across all assets.
  • A 100+ page WordPress Admin Guide was created, explaining all WordPress admin and custom functionality, outlining content management guidelines, and breaking down all core content blocks.
  • A suite of WordPress training videos was embedded within the WordPress admin, enabling Sweans staff to refresh their skills on-the-spot, at any time.


Working together, Sweans and the Sandwell Council have delivered a powerful, easy-to-use digital experience for users. Sweans embraced the latest technology and best practices to improve website performance, as well as supporting and training Sandwell staff. Following the launch, Sweans continues to partner with Sandwell Council, providing ongoing maintenance and support for improvements. User feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with visitors stating that finding information and navigating the site is easier and that the content is easier to understand. Many visitors were surprised to discover it was a government site!


Sweans completed the website in three months, launching the new Lightwoods Park and House website on time and under budget. We ensured compliance with the WCAG 2.2 level AA standard, making the Lightwoods Park and House website accessible for all users and abilities on desktop, mobile devices, and the latest browsers.

The Sandwell Council expressed great satisfaction with Sweans’s design and development work. Sweans also secured ongoing maintenance and technical support services.

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